Monday, February 11, 2008

Is Global Warming Coming...or What?????

This is the view outside my dining room!!!!!.HELP!!


Anonymous said...

A little food coloring dribbled where the snow meets the window and you could have yourself a nice snow painting. Sort of like an Indian sand painting only much cooler.

PS I miss the tiger cub

Comment by Papertiger

Anonymous said...

just started a blog on related topic to to have you check us out & possibly blogroll...thanks

Anonymous said...

I happened to find this blog by chance while searching for another
suject. Global Warming, I have researched this subject for over 4 years. Here is a basic Jr High Science class. C02 is heavier than air,oxygen & water. It is invisible,thats why the activists use C02. Co2 is used in fire extinguishers, it puts a fire out by displacing the oxygen and covers the fire like a blanket. If it wasn't so heavy the trees and the oceans & lake wouldn't absorb it. Trees capture it and removes the oxygen and keeps the carbon. When burned the tree gives up just the C02 that isn't processed yet.Ash is carbon and is used by plants etc. Oceans absorb C02 by changing it to Sodium bi-carbonate which the oxygen in then released into the air and the carbon sinks to the bottom. All carbon isn't black some is clear ie diamonds. If we had too much C02 we couldn't breathe as the oxygen would be displaced!!!!
2 website that debunk Global warming are and Geology can give much more accurate info. than recent weather changes.Climate models are B as in S. I was originally going to publish a website on debunking Global Warming but there already is so much solid info debunking it. It just proves that you can FOOL some of the people most of the time. Say lies over and over and people think its truth. Global warming is all Politics not Science! Was A Democrat.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Thanks for you comments, I agree there is so much evidence to debunk anthrogenic global warming; I am incredulous as to the number of people (Al Gore, Bill McKibben) who continue to claim the science is settled.
Julie - blog author